Yesterday I received a call from my hubby while at my desk at work. Russell has been telling me of a nest of hawks out side his office, and he has enjoyed watching as the momma brings food to her young. Well, one of those young fell out of the nest yesterday, and was lethargic, and wouldn't move much at all. Soooo with the excitement of a youngster, Russell explained to me how like last years sparrow hawks, he was going to bring this baby hawk home to see if he could nurse it back to health. It is quite beautiful, but much larger than those sparrow hawks were. After some food and water, it perked up quite a bit. The real problem is that its claws, or talons I guess, aren't opening, and it doesn't stand on it's legs at all. This would be a problem for trying to fly, or catch food. Russell put in a call to a friend that is a vet to see if there is anything that can be done. Gorgeous creature isn't he? Oh the bird is pretty great looking too!
5 weeks ago
That is a beautiful bird! I hope that he can get healthy again.
How neat to help out the bird! I love you're all amazing!
WOW! of course dad brought it home. That is one BIG baby.
That is awesome! I always wanted a tiger or a you think i could take one of the babes home like you did to the bird?! :)
He reminds me of my dad. Always rescuing animals. My dads new hobby is raising love these guys.
They both look pretty special!! What a wonderful experience to be able spend time so close to one of God's majestic creatures like that! have two gorgeous creatures!!!
How cool that you have a hawk at your house. I want to come over and see it. Can I bring the grandkids too?
That's hilarious! Where do you keep it??
I don't know anyone else who is cool enough to say that they have a hawk for a pet. I bet you don't have a rodent or cat problem. Very cool.
I hope he regains total health! how sweet of you guys to take care of him!
Oh my goodness! I will have to show Loren this. He will love it!! THat is so awesome!!
That bird is amazing! Lately, I have realized I'm getting older cause I like to do things watch and listen to birds. I used to think my dad was so weird to get so excited over birds, but now I understand.
How cool! The kids couldn't believe it! Hope he keeps growing well. What a fun home to live in-lucky bird!!
Is that really a BABY?!?! Wow! We have a large bird cage from our days with a parrot that you can have... Please, take it!
Hi Sheryl!
How is the hawk? What an adventure!
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