There are huggers in the world,
And I am one.
There is not any question that I am.
Ask anyone who knows me.
The reactions you get to hugs are many and varied.
Not everyone is a hugger!!
Now this is beyond my scope of Comprehension,
But…it is true.
There are those who melt into your hug,
Those who power back with a bear hug.
Those who are NOT huggers who stiffen,
And impatiently wait for it to be over.
Those who give you a removed tap, tap on your back
While enduring and making it as short as possible,
Then those who are also huggers and will happily hug back.
Hugging is warm, and loving.
Hugging says,
I am so glad you are in my life.
Now if you give or get a kiss on the cheek
To go along with the hug….
All the better.
I come from a long line of huggers.
When Russell first started meeting my aunties
My mom’s sisters,
They would give him that good old Hanson bear hug,
And he would be looking over their shoulders,
Eyes wide…with that “HELP!” look.
See the Holmes were not always huggers,
But with me around for the last 30 years,
At least they are when they get a hug,
Cuz they know “ready or not, here I come”
Now a days, I just feel their love in return.
Sometimes it is with a giggle, knowing it’s inevitable.
Now many of my family know that if you are REALLY lucky
Along with that hug, you get a little tickle to the ribs.
The wiggle giggle soon comes after.
Nephews and nieces, inlaws, and newly acquired sons and daughters
Are the beneficiaries, cuz they are not resistance quite yet.
My kids still have their spots where I can still get em!
Sometimes with a little extra effort, oh but worth it!
I realized how much this is part of my life when I ran into a friend
at the grocery store. It is the only place I see her these days now that
our kids have grown. After we visited, I walked over and gave her
a hug before I said goodbye. From behind I hear "I want a hug", and there
was this elderly man, probably in his 80's, looking quite unkept, and I walked over
and gave him a hug. My friend looked at me like I was crazy, but hugged he got.
So next time I see you, you can come give me a hug, or get
Ready to be hugged, cuz you know, a hug is coming your way!!
2 months ago